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A Quick And Simple Drywall Recipe That Kids With Pica Will Love

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Recipes
April 19, 2023
1 min read
A Quick And Simple Drywall Recipe That Kids With Pica Will Love

I read this crazy article about a drywall recipe that is apparently perfect for kids with pica! First off, I didn’t even know what pica was until I read this. Turns out, it’s when people have an urge to eat non-food items, like dirt or chalk. Weird, right?! Anyways, this recipe is a quick and easy way to make a safe and edible drywall substitute using flour, salt, water, and food coloring.

Apparently, this recipe is great for parents of kids with pica because it’s much safer than letting them eat actual drywall. It also provides a similar texture and taste, and can be used to help them break their habit of eating non-food items. Plus, it’s super easy to make and doesn’t require any special ingredients or tools.

I have to say, the idea of eating drywall doesn’t sound too appealing to me, but I can see how this could be a creative solution for parents dealing with pica. It’s always amazing to me how people can come up with solutions to unique and challenging problems like this.

Overall, I think it’s important to raise awareness and understanding about pica and other rare conditions. It can be easy to dismiss things we don’t understand or that seem weird to us, but we should try to be compassionate and empathetic towards those who are dealing with these challenges. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be eating drywall and wondering why we ever thought it was weird!

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Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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