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Arrested Development Not Leaving Netflix Following Outcry

By Ana Escamilla
Published in TV & Movies
March 26, 2023
1 min read
Arrested Development Not Leaving Netflix Following Outcry

So, I just read this article about how Netflix is not canceling Arrested Development after all. Apparently, there was a big outcry after one of the show’s stars made some inappropriate comments, and people were calling for it to be taken off the streaming service.

But Netflix has decided to keep it on, despite the controversy. They put out a statement saying that they don’t condone the comments made by the actor, but they also don’t want to punish the rest of the cast and crew for their hard work.

I think this is a smart move by Netflix. It’s important to separate the actions of one person from the work of many. Plus, Arrested Development is a great show and I’m glad I can still watch it.

It’s funny, actually – I remember watching Arrested Development with my friends back in college. We were all huge fans and would quote it all the time. I even dressed up as Tobias Fünke for Halloween one year (yes, I painted myself blue).

But beyond my personal connection to the show, I think this situation raises some interesting questions about cancel culture and separating art from the artist. It’s important to hold people accountable for their actions, but where do we draw the line? Should we boycott everything someone involved in does if they do something offensive?

Overall, I’m happy to hear that Arrested Development will still be on Netflix. It’s a great show and I’m looking forward to re-watching it. Plus, it’s a good reminder that we should judge each piece of art on its own merits, rather than punishing everyone involved for the actions of one.

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‘Arrested Development’ Gets A Reprieve And Will Stay On Netflix
Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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