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Biden's Twitter account fact-checked for dubious claim about the taxes billionaires pay

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Financial Planning
March 20, 2023
1 min read
Biden's Twitter account fact-checked for dubious claim about the taxes billionaires pay

As someone who is active on social media, it is not surprising that Joe Biden ran into trouble with his Twitter account. In response to a recent tweet from the President, the account posted a claim about the amount of taxes paid by billionaires in the United States, prompting a fact-check from Twitter. The tweet suggested that billionaires pay lower tax rates than their secretaries, when in fact the opposite is true. It is a common misconception that high-income earners pay less in taxes, but this claim has been repeatedly debunked. Biden’s Twitter account has since deleted the tweet and has not made any further comments regarding the matter.

While it is tempting to believe that billionaire taxes are low, the reality is quite different. The US tax system is complex, and the wealthiest Americans often pay a greater proportion of their income in taxes than middle-class earners. However, there are other ways in which the super-rich can avoid paying taxes altogether. For example, some wealthy individuals make use of tax havens and other loopholes to avoid paying their fair share.

Despite the controversy surrounding Biden’s tweet, the issue of billionaire taxes is an important one. As income inequality continues to grow, it is crucial that the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share in taxes. This will help to fund important social programs and reduce the burden on middle-class earners. It is also important to address the issue of tax evasion, which allows the wealthy to avoid paying taxes altogether and exacerbates inequality.

In conclusion, Joe Biden’s recent Twitter controversy highlights the importance of accuracy when it comes to issues of taxation. The claim that billionaires pay lower taxes than their secretaries is simply untrue, and it is important that we debunk this myth in order to make progress towards a fairer tax system. By ensuring that the wealthy pay their fair share, we can work towards a more equal society and a better future for all Americans.

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Isabel Thakur

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