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Can you pay your taxes with cash? One economist did

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Financial Planning
April 11, 2023
1 min read
Can you pay your taxes with cash? One economist did

Hey, I stumbled upon this cool article about how an economist paid off his taxes using cash. It’s crazy because we may not think of cash as a preferred or even legal option, but apparently, it is!

Basically, the economist received a notice from the tax office saying they didn’t receive his taxes on time. To avoid any issues, he decided to pay in cash. That’s right, he went to the tax office with a duffel bag full of cash, and they accepted it.

Now, don’t get too excited and start hoarding cash to pay off your taxes because there are limitations. For one, the tax office may not accept large amounts of cash depending on the state or country you’re in. Also, the IRS requires you to report any cash payments over ten grand, and if they suspect that you’re trying to avoid taxes, it may raise a red flag.

As someone who has dealt with taxes before, it’s pretty interesting that cash is a viable option. I mean, we’re so used to online payments and electronic transfers that we forget about the good ‘ol way of doing things.

Overall, I think the article sheds light on an alternative way of paying off taxes. It’s always good to know your options and be aware of different payment methods, especially when it’s something as important as taxes.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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