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Celebrities Angry at Plan to Scrap Twitter Checkmarks Unless They Pay

By Ryan Wu
April 01, 2023
1 min read
Celebrities Angry at Plan to Scrap Twitter Checkmarks Unless They Pay

So, there’s this article I just read about some celebrities getting pretty ticked off about Twitter’s new plan to get rid of those little blue checkmarks unless they pay to keep them. I mean, I get it. If you’ve worked hard to establish yourself as a big deal in the entertainment industry, having that verified badge next to your name probably feels pretty important.

Basically, Twitter is changing the way they verify accounts, and they’re threatening to take away those blue checkmarks from people who don’t fit their new criteria. They’ve introduced a new application process that requires users to provide more information about themselves, and they’re giving priority to people who are “active and current.” It’s all part of their effort to combat trolling and hate speech, but it’s leaving a lot of famous folks feeling like they’re being forced to cough up cash just to keep their online status.

I remember when I first joined Twitter, I was so excited to get that checkmark next to my name. It made me feel legit, like I was doing something important. But now it just seems like all the cool kids are getting punished for not being willing to shell out the dough to keep up appearances.

All in all, I’d say this is an interesting story because it speaks to a larger issue about social media and who gets to control the conversation. Are we heading towards a future where verified status is literally bought and paid for? And what does that mean for the rest of us who can’t afford to play that game? It’s definitely something to think about.

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Celebrities don't want to pay Elon for a blue check
Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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