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Choose Your Dream Workplace Policies and We’ll Tell You What 9to5 Character You Are

By Eric Sterling
Published in Jobs
April 27, 2023
1 min read
Choose Your Dream Workplace Policies and We’ll Tell You What 9to5 Character You Are

So, I came across this cool article online about how your workplace policies can reveal what kind of 9to5 character you are. We all have that one coworker who seems to thrive under pressure, while we prefer a more laid-back environment, right? Well, it turns out that our work preferences can say a lot about our personality type.

Basically, the article lists a bunch of different workplace policies, like flex time, dress code, and vacation time, and asks you to choose the ones that appeal to you the most. Depending on your choices, it will assign you a 9to5 character, like the go-getter, the creative type, or the team player.

What I found really interesting about this article is how it highlights the fact that we all work differently, and that’s okay! One of my previous jobs had a really strict dress code, and it was always so frustrating to have to wear uncomfortable clothes all day just to appease the bosses. But on the other hand, I’ve also worked in places where there was zero structure, and it was up to me to motivate myself and stay on track.

Overall, I think the main takeaway from this article is that finding a workplace that suits your personality and work style can make a huge difference in your job satisfaction. So if you’re in the market for a new job, or just curious about what your dream workplace policies would be, take the quiz and see what kind of 9to5 character you are!

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Eric Sterling

Eric Sterling

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