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Forget Inheritance Tax — Cut Income Taxes

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Financial Planning
April 27, 2023
1 min read
Forget Inheritance Tax — Cut Income Taxes

So, I came across this interesting article called “Forget Inheritance Tax — Cut Income Taxes” and it got me thinking. Basically, the article discusses how focusing on cutting income taxes would be a better solution than taxing inheritance.

The main argument is that inheritance tax may deter people from working hard and accumulating wealth, which would hurt the overall economy. On the other hand, cutting income taxes would encourage people to work harder and potentially earn more income, which in turn would boost the economy.

I personally think this idea has some merit. I know from my own experience that I’m more motivated to work hard and earn money when I know I get to keep more of what I make. And if that means eventually being able to pass on that wealth to my own family without being taxed, well that’s just an added bonus.

Of course, there are some potential downsides to cutting income taxes too much. It could lead to a larger deficit and less money for important government programs. But overall, I think it’s an interesting concept to consider.

So, to sum up, the article argues that we should shift our focus from taxing inheritance to cutting income taxes as a way to boost the economy. And while there are potential drawbacks to this approach, it’s certainly worth considering as a way to create more incentives for people to work hard and accumulate wealth.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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