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Gutfeld: Celebrities are having a Twitter meltdown

By Isabel Thakur
April 26, 2023
1 min read
Gutfeld: Celebrities are having a Twitter meltdown

Have you noticed how easily triggered some celebrities can be these days? That’s the subject of a recent article by Greg Gutfeld of Fox News. In a world where social media has given everyone a platform, actors, musicians, and other celebrities are no exception. However, as Gutfeld notes, being a public figure also brings a lot of scrutiny, and some of them seem to be cracking under the pressure.

One of the most common pitfalls for celebrities on social media is their tendency to fly off the handle without thinking things through. They may lash out at fans or critics who say something they don’t like, or they may make incendiary comments about politics or social issues without fully understanding the ramifications. This can lead to a lot of backlash, both from the media and from their own fans.

Another issue is that celebrities sometimes seem to be living in a bubble, where they’re surrounded by people who tell them what they want to hear. This can lead to a lack of awareness when it comes to how their tweets or other social media posts will be perceived by the general public. Suddenly, something they thought was innocuous can be turned into a major scandal, simply because they didn’t take the time to consider how it would be interpreted.

Of course, not all celebrities are prone to meltdowns on social media, and some are able to use their platforms to effect real change. But as Gutfeld points out, the ones who can’t seem to handle it are worth paying attention to, if only as a cautionary tale.

Overall, this article serves as a reminder that social media is a powerful tool, and anyone who uses it for personal or professional purposes should approach it with care. For celebrities, in particular, it’s important to remember that what they say online can have real consequences, both for themselves and for their followers.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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