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How can some states ‘afford’ to charge little or no income taxes?

By Owen Galvez
Published in Financial Planning
March 30, 2023
1 min read
How can some states ‘afford’ to charge little or no income taxes?

So, I just read this interesting article about why some states don’t charge any income taxes. Did you know that there are actually seven states in the US that don’t have any personal income tax? Pretty crazy, right?

Basically, the article explains that these states are able to afford this because they generate revenue through other means, like sales taxes, property taxes, and tourism. For example, Florida is one of these states and their economy benefits greatly from the tourism industry.

One point that stood out to me is that states with no income tax can actually attract more wealthy individuals because they aren’t being taxed as heavily. This can boost the economy by increasing spending and potentially leading to more job creation.

Personally, I’ve lived in both a state with income tax and a state without, and I can definitely say that it’s a noticeable difference. I always feel a little richer in a state where I’m not constantly getting hit with income tax deductions from my paycheck.

Overall, I think it’s important to consider the different options for generating revenue for a state and weighing the pros and cons of each method. It’s also interesting to see how different states prioritize their budget and what they value most for their residents.

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

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