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How Leaders Can Take A More Human-Centered Approach To AI In The Workplace

By Ryan Wu
Published in Jobs
April 20, 2023
1 min read
How Leaders Can Take A More Human-Centered Approach To AI In The Workplace

I just read an interesting article about how leaders can make sure that AI in the workplace is more human-centered. It caught my attention because we all know that robots are taking over the world, and it’s about time they start taking our humanity into account, am I right?

Basically, the article outlined a few things that leaders can do to make sure that AI in the workplace is working for us, instead of replacing us. The first point was about making sure AI is implemented in a way that aligns with employee values, rather than just corporate interests. I’ve definitely worked at jobs where the company’s “values” were touted all the time, but it didn’t really feel like those values were important to the people running the show.

Another point the article made was about involving employees in the decision-making process about how AI is used in the workplace. I think this is so important because we’re the ones who are going to be affected by it the most, so we should have a say in how it’s used.

One thing that I thought was interesting was the idea that using AI to automate certain tasks can actually lead to more fulfilling work for employees. The article talked about how if we’re not bogged down by menial tasks, we can focus on more creative and fulfilling work that we actually enjoy.

I think the biggest takeaway from the article was that, like with anything else, AI needs to be used in a way that keeps the human element in mind. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of increased productivity and cost savings, but we can’t forget that people are at the heart of our workplaces.

Overall, I’m glad I read this article. It’s important to stay informed about technology and how it’s shaping our world. Plus, I can now use this knowledge to impress all my friends at parties (except we don’t have parties right now because we’re in the middle of a global pandemic, but you get the idea).

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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