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It only takes 10 moves and 30 minutes to build strong arms and develop functional muscle

By Eric Sterling
Published in Health & Wellness
May 10, 2023
1 min read
It only takes 10 moves and 30 minutes to build strong arms and develop functional muscle

Hey, I just read this really interesting article about building strong arms in just ten moves and 30 minutes. It caught my attention because I’m always looking for ways to tone my arms, but I don’t always have a lot of time to dedicate to it.

Basically, the article breaks down a handful of exercises that you can do at home or at the gym that will help you develop functional muscle in your arms. It emphasizes doing compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at once, rather than isolating individual muscles.

One thing I found helpful was the emphasis on proper form and technique, which is essential for avoiding injury and maximizing the effectiveness of the exercises. The article also recommends gradually increasing the weight or resistance over time, as your strength improves.

Overall, I thought this article was really informative and gave me some great ideas for my own workouts. As someone who struggles to find the time and motivation to exercise, I appreciated the emphasis on quick and efficient routines.

If you’re looking to build strong, functional muscle in your arms without spending hours at the gym, I highly recommend checking out this article. Who knows, maybe you’ll become the next arm-wrestling champion!

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Eric Sterling

Eric Sterling

Freelance Reporter

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