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It's Official: State Attorney Generals Are Investigating Alleged NFL Workplace Discrimination

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Jobs
May 05, 2023
1 min read
It's Official: State Attorney Generals Are Investigating Alleged NFL Workplace Discrimination

So, I just read this article about the NFL facing allegations of workplace discrimination, and apparently state attorney generals are now getting involved. This caught my attention because I’m a big football fan, but also because discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue.

Basically, a bunch of former NFL players are accusing the league of discriminating against them based on race and age when it comes to selecting head coaches and general managers. The NFL denies any wrongdoing, but now state attorney generals in at least 15 states are launching their own investigations to determine if there’s any merit to these claims.

As someone who’s worked in several different industries, including sports, I can say that discrimination is unfortunately very real and pervasive. It’s not just about hiring practices either; it can also manifest in things like pay discrepancies, microaggressions, and other subtle forms of bias.

I think it’s important to shine a light on these issues and hold those in power accountable for any discriminatory behavior. The NFL is a massive organization with a lot of influence on society, so it’s crucial that they set a positive example and prioritize equality and diversity.

Overall, I hope these investigations lead to meaningful change and a greater awareness around workplace discrimination, not just in sports but across all industries.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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