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It's Tax Day 2023. How do astronauts pay taxes off Earth?

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Financial Planning
April 19, 2023
1 min read
It's Tax Day 2023. How do astronauts pay taxes off Earth?

I just read this article called “It’s Tax Day 2023. How do astronauts pay taxes off Earth?” and it blew my mind. I mean, I knew taxes were a pain, but I never even thought about how astronauts deal with it while they’re orbiting the Earth or on a mission to Mars.

Basically, the article explains that NASA astronauts have to file their taxes just like the rest of us. But instead of mailing in their forms, they have to do it electronically through a secure connection with the IRS. And get this - they have to pay taxes to both the U.S. government and the government of whatever country the space station is registered in! That’s double the hassle.

But it’s not just taxes that astronauts have to worry about. They also have to keep track of their finances and make sure they’re not overspending while they’re up in space. After all, they can’t just pop to the shops if they run out of shampoo or snacks.

It’s crazy to think about the different challenges that come with living and working in space. I mean, even something as simple as paying taxes becomes a whole new ballgame. But it’s important to consider these things if we want to explore and colonize other planets in the future.

Personally, I can barely keep track of my finances on Earth, so I can’t imagine how difficult it must be up there. But hey, at least astronauts don’t have to worry about traffic jams or forgetting their lunch at home!

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Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

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