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KJP roasted for comparing debt ceiling debate to monthly car payment: 'So how about student loans?'

By Ryan Wu
Published in Financial Planning
May 09, 2023
1 min read
KJP roasted for comparing debt ceiling debate to monthly car payment: 'So how about student loans?'

Have you heard about this article called “KJP roasted for comparing debt ceiling debate to monthly car payment: ‘So how about student loans?‘” It caught my attention because it deals with something we all can relate to at some point - debt. Basically, a politician named Kevin James Porter tried to make a point about raising the debt ceiling by saying it’s like having to make a monthly car payment. But he got called out by people who pointed out that’s not really a good comparison. Especially since so many people are drowning in student loans right now!

It got me thinking about my own experience with student loans. When I graduated college, I had over $30,000 in loans to pay off. It was pretty daunting, especially since I didn’t have a job lined up right away like I had hoped. I remember feeling like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of debt. And while I eventually was able to pay it off, it was a long road.

I think this article is important because it sheds light on how politicians often make comparisons that just don’t work. It’s not fair to compare something like paying for a car to the crushing weight of student loan debt. I also think it’s a reminder that so many people are dealing with debt on a daily basis, and it’s a problem that needs solutions.

Overall, the article is a good read and reminds us all to be mindful about how we talk about debt and money. We need to create real solutions and not just make flippant comparisons that don’t hold up.

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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