Mama June Shannon, the mother of the famous reality TV family from Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, recently shared her thoughts on her daughter’s prom style. Honey Boo Boo, whose real name is Alana Thompson, attended her first prom in a stunning red dress with a long train and dramatic hair and makeup. Mama June complimented her daughter, calling her look “over-the-top” and “divalicious.”
Mama June spoke to Entertainment Tonight about her daughter’s style evolution, highlighting the fact that Honey Boo Boo is finding herself and becoming more confident in her own skin. She also revealed that Alana had picked out the dress herself and was excited to wear it.
The conversation then turned to the topic of body shaming and Mama June’s own weight loss journey. She shared that she had lost over 300 pounds and now prioritizes her health and fitness. She also spoke about the importance of self-love and body positivity, encouraging others to embrace their bodies no matter what size they are.
This article highlights the growth and evolution of Honey Boo Boo’s style and how her confidence is growing with each passing day. Additionally, Mama June’s journey towards improved health and body positivity sends a positive message to readers about the importance of self-love and acceptance. Overall, the importance of feeling good in your own skin and embracing your unique style are key takeaways from this interesting article.
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