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New retirees' futures hurt by inflation, rate hikes. Can they recover?

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Financial Planning
March 22, 2023
1 min read
New retirees' futures hurt by inflation, rate hikes. Can they recover?

As more Americans reach retirement age, a concerning trend has emerged: inflation and rate hikes are causing financial hardships that can be difficult to recover from. The effects of inflation and rising interest rates can be especially damaging to retirees who are living off fixed incomes.

According to a recent New York Times article, this is a growing problem for baby boomers who are retired or soon-to-be retired. They are facing rising costs of living while their savings and Social Security benefits remain the same. This leaves many struggling to make ends meet and to maintain the same quality of life they enjoyed earlier in their retirement.

Economic experts suggest that retirees can recover from this financial setback by planning carefully, investing in stocks and other assets that provide higher returns, and downsizing their lifestyles. However, these may not be viable options for everyone. Many retirees don’t have the financial knowledge or access to experts who can guide them through these strategies.

The impact of inflation and interest rates on retirees is an important topic that affects millions in the United States. As people live longer and retire earlier, it’s crucial that policymakers and financial experts work together to find solutions that will help retirees maintain their financial stability and independence. Ultimately, our society needs to recognize the importance of supporting retirees to ensure that they can enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

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