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On Social Security taxes, Minnesota seniors need a talking to

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Financial Planning
April 24, 2023
1 min read
On Social Security taxes, Minnesota seniors need a talking to

So I was reading this article called “On Social Security taxes, Minnesota seniors need a talking to” and it’s really got me fired up about the way we treat our elderly population. Basically, the article is saying that a lot of seniors in Minnesota are not aware that Social Security benefits are taxable, and therefore they’re not setting aside money for tax season. This can lead to a lot of financial stress for seniors who are already struggling to make ends meet.

One thing that really caught my attention was the fact that Minnesota is one of only a handful of states that taxes Social Security benefits. This seems pretty unfair to me, considering Social Security is something that seniors have been paying into for their whole lives. It just doesn’t make sense to tax something that people have already paid for.

The article goes on to say that there needs to be more education and outreach to seniors about the tax implications of Social Security benefits. I totally agree with this - we need to make sure that our seniors have all the information they need to make informed decisions about their finances.

On a personal note, I remember talking to my grandparents about their finances and being shocked at how little they knew about taxes and retirement planning. It really made me realize how important it is to have these conversations with our loved ones and make sure that they’re equipped with the knowledge they need to make the best decisions for themselves.

Overall, I think this article is an important reminder that we need to be doing more to support our seniors and make sure that they’re able to live comfortably in their golden years. The fact that Social Security benefits are taxable in some states just adds an unnecessary financial burden to an already vulnerable group of people. It’s time for us to do better.

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Isabel Thakur

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