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Opinion | Most Americans say their taxes are too high. Here's why they're wrong.

By Owen Galvez
Published in Financial Planning
April 12, 2023
1 min read
Opinion | Most Americans say their taxes are too high. Here's why they're wrong.

Hey there! I just read an article called “Opinion | Most Americans say their taxes are too high. Here’s why they’re wrong.” and thought it was really interesting. Basically, the article argues that while most Americans believe their taxes are too high, they’re actually paying less than they think and not contributing enough to important government programs.

The article cites a study that found Americans consistently overestimate how much they pay in taxes, often by 10-15%. And even if they were paying the amount they believe they are, it wouldn’t be enough to fund important government initiatives like healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

One example the article gives is the state of Michigan, which recently passed a law that imposes a per-mile tax on drivers to pay for road repairs. Many people were outraged at the tax, but didn’t realize that the gas tax they were already paying wasn’t enough to fund the repairs. The new tax is actually a more fair way to distribute the costs among all drivers, regardless of how much gas they use.

Overall, the article argues that Americans need to shift their perspective on taxes from something to be minimized to something that helps fund important programs and services that benefit everyone. It’s a thought-provoking article that definitely challenged my assumptions about taxes.

Personally, I grew up in a household where my parents regularly complained about how much they were paying in taxes. However, as I’ve gotten older and learned more about how our government and society functions, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of taxes in building a strong and equitable country. I think this article does a great job of outlining that perspective and challenging the common misconceptions about taxes.

So, there you have it – next time you hear someone complaining about their taxes, you can share some of the insights from this article and maybe even change their perspective!

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