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Personal finance advice: My freeloading boyfriend won't even pay for a date

By Owen Galvez
Published in Financial Planning
April 01, 2023
1 min read
Personal finance advice: My freeloading boyfriend won't even pay for a date

So, I came across this article titled “Personal finance advice: My freeloading boyfriend won’t even pay for a date” and it immediately caught my attention. It’s all about a woman who is frustrated because her boyfriend never pays for anything, even though he has a decent job and earns more than her. She talks about how it’s causing a strain on their relationship and making her question whether or not he really values her.

Basically, the article gives some advice on what to do in this situation. It suggests having a conversation with your partner about your financial expectations and boundaries, and being clear about what you’re comfortable with. It also recommends figuring out a system for splitting expenses, whether it’s alternating who pays for dates or agreeing on a set percentage of each person’s income that goes towards shared expenses.

Personally, I can relate to this topic. I’ve definitely been in relationships where one person was more financially comfortable than the other, and it can be tricky to navigate those dynamics. I think the key takeaway from this article is the importance of communication and being honest with your partner about your expectations. It’s not always an easy conversation to have, but it’s better than letting resentment build up over time.

Overall, I think this article is a great reminder that personal finance is more than just about budgets and investments. It’s also about the way we communicate with our loved ones about money, and how those conversations can impact our relationships. Plus, it’s always fun to read about other people’s dating drama!

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

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