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Researchers find smart meters could reveal favorite TV shows

By Ana Escamilla
Published in TV & Movies
March 27, 2023
1 min read
Researchers find smart meters could reveal favorite TV shows

So, I just read this really interesting article about how smart meters can reveal what TV shows people are watching. Crazy, right? Basically, researchers found that the energy consumption patterns recorded by smart meters can give away what shows people are watching in real time.

Here’s what I gathered from the article: Smart meters track energy consumption in the home, and researchers realized that when people stream or watch TV, there’s a distinct energy signature that gets recorded. By analyzing that signature, they can determine what show or movie you’re watching.

Now, before you freak out and think you’re being spied on, the researchers want to use this data for good. They believe it can help TV networks and advertisers learn more about what people are watching and when, so they can tailor ads and content to better reach their target audience. But, of course, there are also concerns about privacy and how this information will be used.

Personally, I find it kind of creepy, but also intriguing. It reminds me of that Black Mirror episode where everyone has a rating and everything they do is recorded and analyzed. But at the same time, I also appreciate the potential benefits of this technology.

Overall, I think this article is important because it highlights the growing interconnectedness of our devices and the potential implications for our privacy. It’s definitely worth keeping an eye on how this technology develops and how it will be regulated in the future.

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Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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