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Stop Using Celebrities to Talk About Age Gap Relationships

By Eric Sterling
March 31, 2023
1 min read
Stop Using Celebrities to Talk About Age Gap Relationships

So, I read this article the other day called “Stop Using Celebrities to Talk About Age Gap Relationships” and it really got me thinking. Basically, the author argues that we need to stop using celebrities as examples of successful age gap relationships because it’s not an accurate representation of real life.

The article pointed out that celebrities have access to resources that most people don’t, like personal trainers and nannies, which can make it easier for them to maintain a relationship despite their age difference. It also mentioned that their celebrity status often comes with power imbalances that can further complicate things.

As someone who has been in an age gap relationship before, I can definitely say that this is true. My ex and I had a significant age difference, and while we were happy together, there were definitely some unique challenges that came with it. It wasn’t always easy, but we made it work.

Overall, I think the article makes an important point. We need to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal and treating their relationships as the standard for everyone else. Age gap relationships are complex, and each one is unique. We need to start having honest conversations about them that take into account the realities of real life, not just what we see in the media.

So, if you’re thinking about getting into an age gap relationship or are currently in one, just know that it’s not going to be like what you see in the movies. It takes work, just like any other relationship. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, it can be just as rewarding.

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Eric Sterling

Eric Sterling

Freelance Reporter

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