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Taxes 2023: Best tips to save last-minute filers money at the tax deadline

By Eric Sterling
Published in Financial Planning
April 13, 2023
1 min read
Taxes 2023: Best tips to save last-minute filers money at the tax deadline

I just read a cool article called Taxes 2023: Best tips to save last-minute filers money at the tax deadline. As someone who always puts off doing my taxes until the very last minute, this was a real eye-opener for me.

Basically, the article gives a bunch of tips for people who wait until the last minute to file their taxes. One of the big ones is to make sure you’re taking advantage of all the deductions and credits available to you. Did you donate money to charity? Do you have any business expenses you can write off? Make sure you’re not leaving any money on the table.

Another tip is to file electronically, because it’s faster and more secure than mailing in your return. Plus, if you owe money, you can pay with a credit card and earn rewards points. Just make sure you can pay off the balance in full, or the interest charges will negate any rewards you earn.

The article also suggests hiring a tax preparer if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They can help you navigate the complex tax code and make sure you’re not missing anything important.

Personally, I’ve had mixed experiences with tax preparers. Some have been really helpful, but others have made mistakes that ended up costing me more money in the long run. So make sure you do your research and ask for recommendations before hiring someone.

Overall, the article was really helpful and provided some great tips for saving money on your taxes. I’ll definitely be keeping them in mind come April 15th.

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Eric Sterling

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