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Texans already approved for $18 billion in student debt relief if Biden’s plan proceeds, report finds

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Financial Planning
April 08, 2023
1 min read
Texans already approved for $18 billion in student debt relief if Biden’s plan proceeds, report finds

So, I just read an article that caught my eye titled “Texans already approved for $18 billion in student debt relief if Biden’s plan proceeds, report finds.” Basically, President Biden is pushing a plan to forgive student debt for millions of Americans, and Texans are already set to receive a massive chunk of that money if it gets approved.

According to the article, Texans have already been approved for $18 billion in student debt relief under Biden’s proposed plan. That’s a huge amount of money that could help countless people who have been struggling to pay off their student loans for years. It’s not just a matter of financial relief, either - forgiving student debt would be a major boost to the economy, as people would have more money to spend on other things besides their loans.

As someone who graduated with a mountain of student debt, this topic hits close to home for me. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to make my payments so far, but I know not everyone is as fortunate. The idea of having that debt lifted is almost too good to be true.

But it’s important to remember that this is just a proposal at this point. It’s not a guarantee that the debt forgiveness will actually happen. Still, it’s promising to see that steps are being taken to address this issue, and that there’s already a significant amount of money set aside for Texans.

Overall, I think this is a really important topic that affects a lot of people, and I’m glad to see it getting attention. Whether or not the debt is actually forgiven remains to be seen, but I hope this is just the beginning of a larger conversation about the crippling effects of student debt, and what we can do about it.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

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