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There's never a bad time to cut taxes | Hawaii Reporter

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Financial Planning
March 21, 2023
1 min read
There's never a bad time to cut taxes | Hawaii Reporter

This article argues that taxes should be cut regardless of the state of the economy because doing so will benefit both individuals and businesses.

The author first points out that taxes are a form of coercion that restricts economic freedom, and hence reducing them would result in more economic activity. The article also argues that lower taxes lead to higher productivity, increased investment, and ultimately, greater prosperity for all.

The article provides several real-life examples to back up its claims, including the recent tax cuts in the US that led to a surge in business investment and job creation, and the experience of countries like Ireland and Estonia that successfully leveraged low tax rates to attract foreign companies and entrepreneurs.

The author also counters the common argument that tax cuts disproportionately benefit the rich by pointing out that lowering taxes across the board benefits everyone, as the economic growth generated by lower taxes eventually raises everyone’s standard of living, including those at the lower end of the income spectrum.

In conclusion, the article makes a compelling case for the benefits of cutting taxes, arguing that it leads to more economic freedom, greater productivity, increased investment, and overall better outcomes for everyone. With tax reform constantly on the agenda of policymakers around the world, this is an important issue that affects the lives of us all.

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Jason Nguyen

Jason Nguyen

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