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To Stay Competitive, You Must Overhaul Your Workplace Training | Entrepreneur

By Owen Galvez
Published in Jobs
April 19, 2023
1 min read
To Stay Competitive, You Must Overhaul Your Workplace Training | Entrepreneur

So I came across this article on Entrepreneur about workplace training, and it really got me thinking. The gist of it is that if a company wants to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business world, they need to shake things up when it comes to training their employees. Diagnose the shortcomings in the current training program, and make changes to ensure that it’s producing workers who have the latest skills and knowledge.

The article points out that traditional methods of training like classroom lectures and manuals are becoming less effective, and that companies need to start incorporating more modern techniques like virtual training modules or social learning platforms. The idea is to make training more interactive, personalized, and engaging, so that workers are more invested in the outcome. This will lead to a more knowledgeable workforce that can adapt quickly to changing circumstances, and can help the company stay ahead of the competition.

It’s really interesting to think about, and I know from personal experience that the more engaged I am in the training process, the more likely I am to retain the information and actually put it into practice. I remember a job where the training sessions were just so dry and boring that I pretty much tuned out after the first hour. Needless to say, I wasn’t really able to excel in that role.

Overall, I think this article is a wake-up call for any business that wants to remain competitive in the long run. By overhauling their training programs and making them more effective, engaging, and forward-thinking, companies can ensure that they have a workforce that’s ready to take on any challenge. To put it in colloquial terms, staying at the top of your game requires some serious hustle and innovation. So if you’re trying to build a brand or a career, you better start hustlin’ too!

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