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What counts as workplace bullying?

By Ryan Wu
Published in Jobs
April 22, 2023
1 min read
What counts as workplace bullying?

I came across this interesting article that talked about workplace bullying. It made me realize how common it is and how little people talk about it. The article defines workplace bullying as repeated and unreasonable behavior that creates a hostile work environment. It involves actions that humiliate, intimidate, or harm the victim either physically or emotionally.

The article highlights some common types of workplace bullying, like verbal abuse, spreading false rumors, unfair treatment, and exclusion from meetings or work activities. The article also points out that workplace bullying can happen at any level, from managers to coworkers.

Personally, I’ve witnessed workplace bullying before. At my previous job, my coworker would always criticize my work even when it was perfect. They would call me names and exclude me from important meetings. It made me feel anxious and stressed every day, and I had to eventually quit.

The article also suggests some ways to deal with workplace bullying, such as speaking up, gathering evidence, and seeking help from HR or a trusted colleague. It’s important to remember that workplace bullying is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

In conclusion, workplace bullying is a serious issue that affects many people. Knowing what it is and how to deal with it is important for creating a safe and healthy work environment. Let’s all work together to stop workplace bullying!

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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