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What is sleep talking? We ask a sleep expert to explain

By Ryan Wu
Published in Health & Wellness
May 01, 2023
1 min read
What is sleep talking? We ask a sleep expert to explain

I just read this really interesting article on sleep talking and I thought I would share it with you. Basically, sleep talking is when someone talks out loud while they are asleep. It’s quite common and can happen at any age.

According to the sleep expert interviewed in the article, sleep talking is not harmful but can be a sign of other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or REM sleep behavior disorder. Sleep talking can also be triggered by stress, alcohol consumption or certain medications.

Personally, I have a friend who sleep talks and it can be pretty entertaining. One time we were on a trip and she started singing the national anthem in her sleep, it was hilarious. But on a more serious note, sleep talking can also be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition, so it’s important to pay attention to it and seek medical advice if necessary.

In the article, the sleep expert also explained that sleep talking tends to occur during the lighter stages of sleep and is more common in children and men. He also mentioned that there is no definite explanation for why people talk in their sleep but it could be linked to the brain’s attempt to organize and process information received during the day.

In conclusion, sleep talking is a fascinating topic that many people may not know much about. While it’s not usually a cause for concern, it’s still important to understand what it is and what it could be indicating. Who knows, maybe the next time you hear someone talking in their sleep, you might learn something new about them!

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Ryan Wu

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