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When it comes to taxes, liberals don't put their money where their mouth is

By Grace Chen
Published in Financial Planning
April 18, 2023
1 min read
When it comes to taxes, liberals don't put their money where their mouth is

I stumbled upon an interesting article titled “When it comes to taxes, liberals don’t put their money where their mouth is,” and it got me thinking. Basically, the article claims that although liberals often advocate for higher taxes on the wealthy, they themselves don’t always practice what they preach. In fact, studies have shown that both conservative and liberal individuals tend to take advantage of tax breaks and deductions to minimize their personal tax bills.

Now, I’m not here to point fingers or judge anyone’s actions. I understand that taxes can be a complex and emotional topic, and people may have different reasons for their choices. However, I do think it’s important to be aware of this discrepancy and to have honest discussions about how we can improve our tax system to serve the greater good.

For example, in my personal experience, I have seen how taxes can impact small businesses and entrepreneurs. As a freelance writer, I have to keep track of my income and expenses, and I often struggle to figure out the best way to maximize my deductions without risking an audit. It’s frustrating to see big corporations and wealthy individuals get away with paying little or no taxes, while everyday workers like myself have to navigate a complicated system and often end up paying more than we should.

Overall, I think the article raises some valid points about the gap between political rhetoric and individual behavior when it comes to taxes. It reminds us that we need to approach this issue with an open mind, and to work together to find solutions that are fair and effective. So, maybe next time we hear someone pontificate about the virtues of higher taxes, we can ask them if they’re doing their part as well.

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Grace Chen

Grace Chen

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