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Woman shares life hack to avoid work messages

By Ryan Wu
Published in Life Improvement
March 24, 2023
1 min read
Woman shares life hack to avoid work messages

As we navigate the ever-increasing demands of the modern workplace, it can be tough to maintain a work-life balance. One woman shared her life hack for avoiding unwanted work messages outside of office hours, and it’s quickly gaining attention.

The woman’s trick involves using the Do Not Disturb mode on her phone, but with a twist. Rather than simply turning it on during off-hours, she sets her phone to receive calls and texts only from certain contacts during those times. That way, she can tune out unnecessary work messages without missing emergency calls from her loved ones.

While the hack may seem simple, it highlights the importance of setting boundaries in the workplace. With many of us working remotely, it can be tempting to always be “on” and available for our colleagues. But allowing ourselves time away from work communications can help us recharge and be more present in our personal lives.

Of course, not everyone has the luxury of being able to limit work messages in this way, but it’s worth considering if you do have the option. And if not, perhaps it’s time to have a conversation with your employer about implementing policies that support work-life balance. After all, taking care of ourselves is crucial for both our mental health and our productivity.

In summary, setting boundaries and taking time for ourselves is important. By using the Do Not Disturb mode on our phones to limit work messages, we can prioritize our personal lives without sacrificing emergencies. Taking care of ourselves is a vital aspect of a healthy work-life balance.

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