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Work Life Balance: Being a Parent and an RT - AARC

By Ryan Wu
Published in Jobs
May 02, 2023
1 min read
Work Life Balance: Being a Parent and an RT - AARC

So, I was reading this article the other day about work-life balance for parents who are also registered respiratory therapists (RTs), and it was honestly pretty eye-opening. Basically, the article talks about how being an RT and a parent can be really challenging, especially when it comes to finding time for yourself and your family.

One of the main points the article makes is that it’s really important to set boundaries and prioritize your time. As an RT, you’re often working long hours and dealing with a lot of stress, so it can be easy to let work take over. But if you want to maintain a good work-life balance, you need to be intentional about making time for your family and yourself. That might mean working fewer hours, delegating tasks to other members of your team, or finding ways to be more efficient when you’re on the job.

Another thing the article talks about is the importance of self-care. As an RT, you’re constantly taking care of others, so it can be easy to neglect your own needs. But self-care is really essential for preventing burnout and staying energized and focused at work. That might mean going for a run, getting a massage, or just taking some time to relax and do something you enjoy.

For me, this article really hit home because I’m actually the child of an RT. Growing up, I saw firsthand how demanding the job can be, and how hard my mom worked to balance her work and family responsibilities. I think it’s really important for RTs, and parents in general, to be mindful of their own needs and to make time for themselves and their families.

Overall, I think this article is a great reminder that we all need to find ways to balance our work and personal lives. Whether you’re an RT, a parent, or both, there are always going to be challenges and trade-offs, but by setting priorities and being intentional about your time, you can create a fulfilling and balanced life.

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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May 11, 2023
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