So, I came across this article about a fitness influencer named Joey Swoll who’s pretty ticked off about some “ridiculous” behavior he’s witnessed at the gym. Basically, he’s had it up to here with people who don’t respect the gym as a shared space, and who are more concerned with taking selfies and showing off than actually working out.
According to the article, Joey took to Instagram to rant about people using weights to take photos, sitting on pieces of equipment and hogging them for extended periods of time, and generally just being inconsiderate of others. He even went so far as to suggest threatening to punch someone in the face might be a reasonable response to this kind of behavior (although he later backpedaled on that statement).
Now, I have to admit, I’ve definitely encountered my fair share of annoying gym-goers in the past. There’s nothing more frustrating than having to wait around for someone to finish up their set, or trying to navigate around someone who’s blocking the entire weight rack. But I also think it’s worth considering that not everyone knows the unspoken rules of gym etiquette, especially if they’re new to working out or don’t have a lot of experience in that kind of environment.
At the end of the day, though, Joey’s message is an important one to keep in mind. When we go to the gym, we’re all there for the same reason: to improve our health and fitness. So let’s try to be mindful of others and respectful of the gym space, so that we can all achieve our goals.
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