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16 Cats Overdosing On The Nip | Cuteness

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Pets
May 01, 2023
1 min read
16 Cats Overdosing On The Nip | Cuteness

So, I just read this crazy article on Cuteness about cats overdosing on catnip. Apparently, it’s becoming more common for cat owners to give their feline friends a little too much of the green stuff, causing them to act all sorts of wild and out of control.

The article explains that catnip, which is a type of plant from the mint family, contains a chemical called nepetalactone that has a hallucinogenic effect on cats. When cats smell it or chew on it, they can go from being lazy and bored to hyper and crazy in just a matter of seconds. But too much catnip can be a bad thing, especially if the cats start to ingest it.

The article shares stories of 16 cats who ended up overdosing on catnip, with symptoms ranging from excessive drooling and vomiting to seizures and even coma-like states. It’s pretty scary stuff, especially since catnip is often seen as a harmless source of entertainment for our feline friends.

As a cat owner myself, I’ve definitely given my cat a little bit of catnip here and there, but I had no idea it could be so dangerous in large doses. I’ll definitely be more careful in the future and make sure to only give him small amounts.

Overall, the article is a reminder that even things that seem harmless can have serious consequences if not used properly. As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to make sure we’re taking care of our furry friends in the best way possible.

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21 Cats Who've Fallen Into Cunning Cat Traps | Cuteness
Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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