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Hiltzik: How the rich get taxpayers to fund their pet causes

By Eric Sterling
Published in Pets
April 14, 2023
1 min read
Hiltzik: How the rich get taxpayers to fund their pet causes

Hey! So, I just read this article called “Hiltzik: How the rich get taxpayers to fund their pet causes” and it really got me thinking about how much money the wealthy get from the government for their personal projects. Basically, the article talks about how rich people can use their public foundations to make donations to nonprofit organizations or charities, and then get tax benefits for doing so, effectively using taxpayer money to fund their own pet causes.

One of the main points in the article is that these public foundations allow wealthy individuals to donate a large chunk of their fortune without actually giving away their assets. Instead, they create a foundation that they control, which then distributes the money to the charities and causes of their choice. By doing this, they can get a tax write-off for the donation while still maintaining control over where the money goes.

As someone who has worked in the nonprofit sector, this article really hits close to home. It’s frustrating to see so much money being diverted away from public programs and services that could help so many people, especially during times of economic hardship. And while these wealthy individuals may be doing some good in the world by donating to charity, it’s important to remember that they are also benefiting financially from these donations.

Overall, this article is a great reminder of the power and influence that the wealthy have in our society, and the ways in which they can manipulate the system to their advantage. It’s important for us to be aware of these tactics and to advocate for policies that promote fairness and equality.

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