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How service dogs can help Veterans with PTSD  - VA News

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Pets
April 17, 2023
1 min read
How service dogs can help Veterans with PTSD  - VA News

I came across an interesting article titled ‘How service dogs can help Veterans with PTSD’ on VA News. Basically, it highlights the incredible impact of our four-legged friends on the mental health of veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s amazing to see how these dogs can provide a sense of safety and comfort to people who have experienced the horrors of war.

From what I understood, service dogs can be trained to protect, detect triggers, and provide emotional support. It sounds like they are truly life-changing and can make a huge difference in the lives of people dealing with PTSD. I mean, we all know how comforting dogs can be, but these service dogs seem to take it to a whole new level!

I remember reading an article in the past about how dogs can pick up on people’s emotions and respond accordingly. This made me think that service dogs for veterans could be one of the most empathetic and intuitive creatures out there. It’s truly heartwarming to think that these dogs are out there helping veterans who have given so much for our country.

Overall, I think more awareness needs to be brought to how service dogs can help people with disabilities, mental health issues or simply for companionship. It’s important to appreciate and recognize the vital role they play and how they are changing people’s lives for the better.

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Jason Nguyen

Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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