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Salem dog owners report concerning coyote encounters

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Pets
April 24, 2023
1 min read
Salem dog owners report concerning coyote encounters

I read an article about Salem dog owners reporting more coyote encounters lately, and it got me thinking. Apparently, residents have noticed these sneaky creatures coming out of the woodwork more frequently, which is alarming since they can pose a threat to our furry friends. The article mentioned that a few people had even lost their pets due to coyote attacks!

Basically, it seems like coyotes are becoming increasingly bold and adapting to urban environments. They’re attracted to garbage cans, pet food, and unsecured trash bags, so one of the best ways to avoid encounters is to make sure you’re not offering them an easy meal. You should also keep an eye on your pup if you’re out walking at dawn or dusk when coyotes are most active.

Personally, I’ve never had an encounter with a coyote in the city, but when I was visiting my family in New Mexico a few years ago, I woke up to find a pack of coyotes howling right outside my bedroom window. It was both eerie and fascinating. I couldn’t believe how close they were! It definitely gave me a newfound appreciation for how adaptable and smart these creatures can be.

In conclusion, it’s important for dog owners in Salem to be vigilant about coyote encounters, as they can potentially harm our beloved pets. By taking precautions such as securing trash and keeping a careful eye on our pups, we can hopefully avoid any dangerous situations. Plus, it’s always interesting to learn more about the wildlife that surrounds us!

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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