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Woman Teaches Dogs To Get Petty Revenge On Messy Boyfriend And Asks If She's A Jerk

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Pets
April 30, 2023
1 min read
Woman Teaches Dogs To Get Petty Revenge On Messy Boyfriend And Asks If She's A Jerk

I just read this hilarious article about a woman who taught her dogs to get back at her messy boyfriend! Basically, the guy never cleans up after himself and it was driving her crazy, so she decided to train her pups to throw his things around whenever he left a mess. The best part? The dogs actually started doing it on their own!

The woman is now wondering if she’s a jerk for doing this, but I don’t think so. I mean, it’s not like she’s hurting anyone, and if her boyfriend can’t clean up after himself, he deserves a little playful revenge.

Personally, I can relate to this woman’s struggle. I used to live with a roommate who was constantly leaving his clothes all over the place. After asking him nicely to clean up after himself multiple times, I resorted to a similar tactic - I would take all of his clothes and hide them in his room until he cleaned up the common areas. It may have been a little passive aggressive, but it worked!

Overall, I think this article is a great reminder that sometimes a little creativity and humor can solve problems in a relationship. Plus, who doesn’t love a good revenge story with some cute pups involved?

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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